Sunday, January 29, 2012

Geoff has abandoned I guess I need to pick up the slack?

Oh Hi!
It's been a while and I'm starting to feel guilty that I haven't posted anything on here. With Geoff doing his 365 project he has forgotten about us. He has some great photos and I had one real gem that I felt the need to share with ya'll.

I took this photo so he can't get all huffy about it.....

My little nephew Max turned 1 this week and I can't believe what a little man he is. We went down to Eugene for the night to celebrate in style and got to spend some time with the little man.

Geoff was great with him! I wasn't feeling up to my usual self so trying to keep up with a 1 year old wasn't high on my to do list so Geoff spent a good portion of the evening entertaining him while Lori tried to make Max's birthday cakes.
This picture pretty much sums up how Geoff is with him and Max loves his Uncle Geoff.

Here are some other random photos since I have neglected this for so long :D

Crazy Jordyn

Max's First Pumpkin Outing

The poor kid...haha

Roloff Farms outing

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I am dumb

As if my life wasn't busy enough already.

Longtime readers of this blog might remember I once did a 365 project where I had to take a photo of myself every day for a year.

It didn't exactly go as I'd planned, and I cheated my way through 2/3 of it.

Well, since I didn't learn my lesson the first time, I've decided to do it again.

I won't plague you with posting a photo to this blog every day. You don't need that, but if you WOULD like to follow along, feel free to CLICK HERE.

It's a great project to do, if you do it right. You learn to look at the world a little differently,and to keep your camera glued to your side constantly. You learn to appreciate the little things, like brushing your teeth, or cleaning the cat litter (both of which, at one point made it into my past 365 project, along with starting a new career, a death in the family, two weddings and a bad case of malaise on my part).

For anyone out there thinking of doing ANYTHING like this, do it. Just do it. It's hard, it sucks at times, and its the most painful thing in the world, but it's so worth it, and you're a better person for it.

Anyway, that's enough of that. You should check out Pursinger 365, and come back often!