Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hey! Did you know?

That my printer has a scanner on it?

Me either!

7/52 "'It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine"

It's time once again for our 52 Weeks Project.

Thought we'd forgotten about it, didn't you?

Yes, I know. We're horrible at remembering. We're busy people.

This week brought a late-February snowstorm to Portland, and I woke up to go to work to a nice white blanket of snow, on Thursday.

I still had to get to work, but needless to say I drug Katie out of bed, forced her to put on boots and told her we had to take a darn photo!

Of course, I should have expected what happened when I got Katie outside.
Katie? Katie why are you making a snowball...

Oh, no you don't. I've got to go to work in 10 minutes and we don't have a lot of time. Put that down.
I mean it. Don't do it.


(snowball flies to the left, misses me and the camera)

HAHA! You missed!

"Aww MAN!"

By the time I got home from work the snow was mostly gone, so I didn't get the chance to inact my revenge. But it's coming. Oh. It's coming.


Happy almost March.

Monday, February 21, 2011


A couple of weeks ago my sister, her mother-in-law, and I threw a baby shower for my other sister, Lori. (As you, of course, remember Lori had her baby a few weeks ago).

(Oh? Don't remember. You might want to click here and here).


Max's room is all about Dr. Suess, so I thought what better theme for the party than that.

Well, from there it just spiraled out of control. There was just too many cute things we could do with the theme. Here are just some of the photos from that awesome day.....

We had special guest stars...

... an awesome homemade cake that my friend Megan and I made. (I know, you're jealous. It's white cake with a raspberry filling.) Yum. 

A Tree of Cheese, yes, you read that correctly.

Some Dr. Seussian sandwiches...

the obligatory Green Eggs and Ham

and, of course, 

the Guest of Honor:

His look may say he's bored, but I know inside he's as giddy as a kid at Disneyland.

We also had a "photo booth" of sorts where everyone took a photowith Lori so she could look back on the day. Needless to say, I have at least one for every guest, way more than I could post. If I can get my act together I might do a part 2 with some of the others :)


For those of you who don't know already....

My family is crazy....

 Like, really crazy.

No, seriously :

But we love them!

Even some of our non-family members joined in on the craziness.

Us with the guests of honor :)

Our other party planner, Jenny Minor, with the guests of honor :)


Friday, February 18, 2011

Well THAT was stupid of me.

So today we gave Roxy a bath because she smelled funky (like PepĂ© Le Pew met some spoiled limburger cheese) and she hated every minute of it. 

Intrepid bloggers that we are I got a bunch of adorable photos of a very wet dog looking miserable and I had planned on a blog post called "Mommy WHY!?!" with photos of Roxy looking like a drowned rat and it was going to be so adorable your head was going to explode.

But then I accidentally deleted all (ALL!) of those photos from my memory card, leaving me with absolutely no evidence that the bath had ever happened except now Roxy smells like Katie's shampoo and I smell like a wet dog.

So instead of a big heaping pile of adorable, here are some photos of Bruce being dumb.

Seriously, though, those bath photos were adorable.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day....

From both of us.

Not everyone can be as lucky as me :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

6/52 "'All your photos are belong to us"

Katie's back from doing inventory which means that (unlike last week) we actually get to see each other for more than 10 minutes without one of us passing out from exhaustion. 

We were out babysitting the nieces tonight, which is always an adventure. After they went to bed it was time to bust out the Wii and start some Donkey Kong Country.

Time to spend some good old fashioned quality time together:

"Come on, jump there"                                                          


                                                            "Jump where?"

"Right there,                                                          
Where all those bananas are."                              

                                                             "Oh, okay."





Like most 2 player games I think we spent most of the time accidentally killing each other instead of  completing our objectives, but it was fun to spend time together.

You'd think that were, like, married or something.


Monday, February 7, 2011

"Seoul" Searching

My friend Nick (seen here on a typical Thursday afternoon) is currently teaching English in the People's Republic of China. It's a pretty cool gig and he's been there for about a year-and-a-half. Part of what makes his job so cool (aside from the obvious) is that he gets to travel and see different parts of Asia. The past few weeks he's been in Seoul, South Korea visiting friends.

The following is an example of what makes my friends so awesome:

(sorry it's so small. I want it bigger....)

I'll update this if there's more to be added. If you want to add your own, just comment to this post.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

5/52 "♫ Power Ballad ♫"

I know, I know. We're late putting this one up... like... a whole week late. But Katie was really (really) sick for a few days and then she started inventory at work --- meaning that she starts at 4 a.m. and falls asleep by about 5:30 p.m., and with me not getting home until well past 9:30 some nights there just hasn't been much time for picture taking.

Eventually, though, I just got bored and took one myself.

It's pretty much how we've been all week. Her working and sleeping, me working and sleeping. So NEXT photo will be back to normal, but for now just think of me as Celine Dion.