Sunday, April 10, 2011

10/52 On pencilfish, mollies and pearl gouramis

 In case you couldn't tell by the picture, we bought a fish tank.

There's something about fish that I find incredibly calming.

Fish tanks and Pursingers just sort of go together. Growing up, having a fish tank (or two) were as common in a room as a TV (in fact, I had a fish tank in my room loooong before I ever had my own television.)

As such I have an impressive amount of information about zebra danios, neon tetras and tiger barbs swimming around in my brain.

(20 points if you recognized any of those names without clicking the links.)

I haven't had any fish since Katie and I got married, until a few months ago.

For Christmas this year my sister bought me a fish tank for my office. It was tiny, only a few gallons, but it was the perfect size for work.

It even had a little castle!
The small little fish I had were a nice quiet edition to my crazy workplace. Fish don't have problems, they don't have bad days. They just swim, and enjoy themselves, and thank you when you pour a few flakes in the bowl.

But when I came to work last week they did had a problem. A fairly major one:

All the water had drained from their fish tank.

Cleaning crews had discovered over the weekend that my tank had a leak in it, and that water was pouring all over my desk. We managed to save the fish before the entire tank was dry, and I carried them home on my lap in a bucket with no place to put them.

But after a quick conversation with The Misses we were off to buy a new tank.

And voilà:

But we had a problem. I had myself a big-boy 10 gallon aquarium. But I still had my teeny-tiny little castle and teeny-tiny little fish.

There was only one thing to do. 

Now our tank is home to a smattering of little swimmers.

    There's B.A. Baracus

 Cory Feldman        



The Fantastic Four (yes, there are only three here)

And, my personal favorite...

Bobby Brown.

They seem pretty happy. Their tank is bigger, cleaner and not leaking. All are improvements over their previous home, and their new roommates seem to be adjusting. 

B.A. has taken the "Katie's favorite fish" award. Impressive, considering she doesn't like fish and wasn't too crazy when I said "oh hey, honey, want to go run an errand with me?"

BAM! Fish store.

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