So we're a little behind on posting.....
I know.
But we've had a lot going on lately.
In the last 2 weeks I gave my notice to Bed Bath and Beyond,
got hired at a new job ( as front office/ customer service),
Roxy got an infected toe and had to have it removed
so she has been laid up for the last 2 weeks,
And I worked both jobs for a week
(I ended up working 56.5 hours that week. So tired).
So, now I am working a full time job with a normal 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule (Woot!) and I really like it so far..
Is my work exciting? No, not really, it's data entry. But do I love my company? You betchya!
I don't know of any other companies like it. They provide courts for us to play volleyball on twice a week, and soccer twice a week if your into that, and yoga on fridays... I mean seriously, that's just cool, and that is only the start of the things that make them awesome.
I will miss my BBB coworkers though, but the upside is that I will still see them quite a bit as I will continue to spend all my money there. :)
Anyways, long story short we actually even took a photo last week, but have yet to upload it. We went to the Zoo for Brittany's 20th birthday and pretty soon you will get to experience our trek too!