Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Pursinger CD Echange

It's CD time again in the Rappinger house. Every few months my brother, sister and I make mix CDs for each other. This weekend's birthday trip was the perfect opportunity for another one.

As usual, a new mix-cd means a new album cover.

Normally I make two cd's, one for a brother and another for my sister. This time I decided to just make one for them both...

Yes, my sister looks like a golem. Sorry.
Normally I just make a CD of stuff I'm currently listening to, but decided this time to switch things up and go for a theme. This one was a CD of mashup songs.

I've also posted the CD here. If you enjoy the songs, feel free to download them.


PCDEx The Covers

Everytime I make a mix-cd for my families CD exchange I try to make an album cover for them.

I've probably made a few dozen of them by now. Many of them are awful, because my photoshop skills are next to negligible. But here's a few of my favorites...

I'm always on the lookout for album covers to use for the next cd exchange. Any ideas? Leave a comment!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Let's Roll, Kato

Oh, how I want one of these.

This, my friends, is the Black Beauty, the car from The Green Hornet.

You know, The Green Hornet.

It's got rocket launchers...

And machine guns.
It is, in short, the most wonderful car of all time.


Now, I know what you're asking: "Hey, Geoff. Why do you have a superpowered death machine on the ol' blog? And what's it doing parked at a Carl's Jr.?"

Well, Internet, I'm glad you asked.

As it turns out: I have an awesome job.
I don't want to brag, but I'm kind of a big deal.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Water Polar

Frequent readers of the blog (or anybody who happened to click the link from the previous post) knows that Katie and I were zoo-bound this week to celebrate the 20th birthday of my sister.

It rained all day, but true Oregonians we are, it didn't slow us down much.

My dad's default photo expression. I call it the "Geoff, put that down" look.
But the highlight of the trip was when we got to the polar bears and found one of the big guys playing a little water polo:

This bear was ginormous. About 18 times bigger than I was and he tossed his Buik sized ball around like it was made of wiffle. 

(Is that what they make wiffle balls out of? Wiffle?)


I learned something very important about polar bears that day:

Polar bears...
Water Polo.
Like, a lot.

Badass. This picture has it.

8/52 "'Hakuna matata"

Before I even write a single sentence I have to say thanks to my brosef Branden Pursinger for taking this photo.

Happy berfday to you.
This week was my sister's 20th birthday (she's the one in the middle, in case you didn't know). As per usual on my sister's birthday we took a trip to my old work the Oregon Zoo.

Of course, being Oregon in March is poured down rain for the entire time were were there, but we managed to snap a few photos.

For those of you not familiar with the Oregon Zoo experience the three of us are hiding out in the African Savannah exhibit, and this is pretty much the only time in the zoo's history that there haven't been 400 second graders crammed into this little bubble-thing.

Oh, what's that you say? You want MOOOORE photos from previous zoo experiences?


We've got a bunch of stuff to post to the blog over the next few days, so shut up already about how irregularly we post. I'll post, like, 8 things this week to make up for it. Promise.


yeah yeah yeah.....

So we're a little behind on posting.....
I know.
But we've had a lot going on lately.

In the last 2 weeks I gave my notice to Bed Bath and Beyond,
got hired at a new job ( as front office/ customer service),
Roxy got an infected toe and had to have it removed 
so she has been laid up for the last 2 weeks,
And I worked both jobs for a week
(I ended up working 56.5 hours that week. So tired).

So, now I am working a full time job with a normal 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule (Woot!) and I really like it so far..
Is my work exciting? No, not really, it's data entry. But do I love my company? You betchya!
I don't know of any other companies like it. They provide courts for us to play volleyball on twice a week, and soccer twice a week if your into that, and yoga on fridays... I mean seriously, that's just cool, and that is only the start of the things that make them awesome.

I will miss my BBB coworkers though, but the upside is that I will still see them quite a bit as I will continue to spend all my money there. :)

Anyways, long story short we actually even took a photo last week, but have yet to upload it. We went to the Zoo for Brittany's 20th birthday and pretty soon you will get to experience our trek too!
