Saturday, December 18, 2010

VIDEO: Zoo Lights 2010

A couple of weeks ago Katie and I went to Zoo Lights at the Oregon Zoo. A bunch of zoos across the country do something similar, but essentially they put a gazillion Christmas lights up around the zoo and you wander around after hours and enjoy.

It's something my family has always made a habit of going to every year, and Katie was always forced to sing Christmas carols at Zoo Lights in high school.

This year it was Katie's niece who was singing and we went and watched her perform. It was a fun time and I've managed over the last few weeks to string together enough time to make this: It's a short video I threw together of the performance and some lights.

Just to be clear, I didn't shoot this using my normal Nikon D60, I used this:

Also, this was taken with our super sweet new 35mm lens, but more on that later...

It's an old Canon Powershoot A710. They don't make these anymore, so the video quality isn't exactly going to be in HD, nor is the sound.

But I had fun, so suck it.

Oh, and Merry Christmas.


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