Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Geoff's kinda crappy videos #1: Urban Chickens

For the last couple of months I've been working on short 2-minute videos for our website. They usually go with a story in that week's paper and are designed to draw people online.
Of course, we never advertise that we have a video on the website, so I'm not sure how much it actually helps, but so far it's meant that I've gotten the creative juices flowing and keeps me busy with film stuff -- I have a tendency to get a little stir crazy when I'm not doing something movie related.
Usually the reporter and cameraman go out and do the filming and interviewing and then the cameraman and I try to put something together in the editing room (usually with mixed results). It's an interesting way to go about making movies, since I usually have no idea what the footage is (or even what the video is about) until I sit down at the keyboard.

But hey, that's the way it works sometimes.

So far we've made nine videos, only about four of which I think are even watchable. I'll post one every so often so you can see, in a new segment I like to call:


This was our first one. Personally I think it's one of our better ones (which, if you don't like it, could tell you something about the rest of what's to come....)

Sorry in advance about the quality... not sure how to go about fixing that.

Like I said: "Geoff's kinda crappy videos."

If you actually found that enjoyable, and wanna learn more, check out the story, written by Angela Webber



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