Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Random discovery of the day

I love the Internet. And today confirmed why.

As an American 20-something I spend a fair amount of time on the Internet, looking for stupid things to link to and blog about.

And now I've found it. The Holy Grail. My search is over.

The single greatest thing in the history of the Internet. And I found it on Facebook

Yes. You are reading that right. It's a British novel from the 1950s titled The Human Bat v. The Robot Gangster.

And while this is certainly a science-fiction thriller for readers of all ages, it's also the single greatest thing you'll ever find on the Internet, ever.

You want to know why?

Reason No. 1: The Human Bat. 
You can't fault the guy for is theatricality. The Human Bat seems to be a normal dude with a Santa red flying suit a small electrical substation attached to his head. What does it do? Haven't got a clue, but you know what? They're awesome

Batman can't even fly, but The Human Bat? This dude's rocking the power of flight and (apparently) electricity. Or sonar. Cellphone tower?

Reason No. 2: The Robot Gangster. 
He's not just a robot, but a robot that's into organized crime. There are two things in this world I was always taught never to mess with: robots and gangsters. One half Tony Soprano the other half cycloptic antenna'd robot with spikes for a midsection and teeth that can grind rival racketeers into a fine powder.

Reason No. 3: The peaceful meadow. 
Who would have thought that the ultimate showdown of Earths mightiest marvels would NOT take place on a volcano, or in New York during a downpour  but on a chilly Autumn morning in the English countryside.

But that's not all. Here's the big M. Night Shyamalan twist ending:

Ultimate Reason No. 4: The v.
Contrary to what you might have first thought, this is not a story about two superhuman beings punching the living daylights out of each other. What makes this even better is that it's actually a Dick Wolf legal drama in disguise.

When fighters duke it out you write it out as Tyson vs. Holyfield or Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, but Roe v. Wade? That's a legal case citation.

Yes, you read that right. The Human Bat is suing The Robot Gangster for damages do to actions taken by The Robot Gangsters' (alleged) criminal operation.

At least, I assume. There's not much to go one here, but I think it's safe to assume that The Robot Gangster is in court for something related to organized crime. But that's just a guess.

Of course, Gangster could just be his surname, in which case my whole profile of his character needs to be rethought.

I'll need to tear the couch apart and see if I can find .35 cents to find out what happens!

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